Hidden Workers are a special type of worker record in Hayylo that can be used to restrict automatic notifications (SMS and push) and call reminders (smart actions) for certain visits.
Smart notifications
If your Hayylo account has smart notifications turned on, clients will receive an SMS or push notification when visits changes are detected, depending on the notification time windows and thresholds that have been configured.
However, there may be times when clients should not be alerted about these changes because the visit is not yet fully scheduled, and these changes are not ready to be presented. For this situation, specific worker records can be configured as a "Hidden Workers in Hayylo. When visits changes are detected, if the visit is currently assigned to one of these special worker records, automatic notifications will not occur.
Smart actions
If your Hayylo account has smart actions turned on, Hayylo will automatically create actions when visits changes are detected, depending on the notification time windows and thresholds that have been configured. These actions serve as reminders for your customer service team to call the client to inform them of the change.
However, there may be times when clients should not be alerted about these changes because the visit is not yet fully scheduled, and these changes are not ready to be presented. For this situation, specific worker records can be configured as a Hidden Workers in Hayylo. When visits changes are detected, if the visit is currently assigned to one of these special worker records, automatically created (smart) actions will not be created.
For more information, or help in enabling Hidden Workers for your account, please speak to your account manager or reach out to Hayylo support.