How do I get started with Social Feed?

In hayylo, the Social Feed is where updates are posted from customers, their family contacts, your workers and your organisation. Located in the left hand menu, this feature is the central point for customer and team engagement across Hayylo.


Getting Started

There are a few steps that we recommend when starting with the Social Feed for the first time. More detail has been provided below to explain each step.

  1. Get your team onboard

  2. Post an update from your company to your team

  3. Post an update from your company to your customers


1. Get your team onboard

Before we start posting to the social feed we need to get your teams on hayylo to drive engagement and manage the posting of content. If you haven’t already invited your teammates to use hayylo, this will be a crucial step in creating the best customer experience possible. You can add internal users from within the Users tab in the left-hand menu list.


Adding users in hayylo can only be completed by a Manager, Global Admin or Company Admin.



Follow these steps to set up a new user in hayylo:

  1. Login to hayylo with your registered username and password

  2. From the left-hand menu, select Users

  3. Click the New User button

  4. Complete the following fields:

    1. First Name

    2. Last Name

    3. Email Address

    4. Mobile Phone (Optional)

    5. User Type

    6. Role (Optional)

  5. Click Save


2. Post an update from your company to your team

Now you have some users on board, let’s post an update to your team to introduce them to Hayylo and the Social Feed. Company and Global Admin users can choose to post to the social feed on behalf of the company. By default, Hayylo creates posting groups for all Customer, Workers, Managers and a posting group for all users. The Managers group automatically contains all admin users in your company. Posting to this group will notify them that a post has been made and will allow them to view this when they next login to Hayylo.


Posting Groups - Groups are a customisable part of Hayylo. These can be configured and created in a number of ways to suit your team. If you would like assistance with setting up your groups or have a question about this article, contact us by email to



Follow these steps to post to your team on behalf of your company:

  1. Login to hayylo with your registered username and password

  2. From the left-hand menu, select Social Feed

  3. In the field marked “what’s on your mind?” enter the text of your post

  4. In the post to dropdown, select Managers

  5. In the post as dropdown, select Post as Company

  6. Click Post


3. Post an update from your company to your customers

Now you have some users on board and have introduced Hayylo to your team, let’s post an update to your customers to introduce them to Hayylo and the Social Feed. Company and Global Admin users can choose to post to the social feed on behalf of the company. By default, Hayylo creates posting groups for all Customer, Workers, Managers and a posting group for all users. The Customer group automatically contains all Clients and their family contact. Posting to this group will notify them that a post has been made and will allow them to view this when they next login to Hayylo via a branded mobile app.


Posting Groups - Groups are a customisable part of Hayylo. These can be configured and created in a number of ways to suit your team. If you would like assistance with setting up your groups or have a question about this article, contact us by email to



Follow these steps to post to your customer on behalf of your company:

  1. Login to hayylo with your registered username and password

  2. From the left-hand menu, select Social Feed

  3. In the field marked “what’s on your mind?” enter the text of your post

  4. In the post to dropdown, select Customers

  5. In the post as dropdown, select Post as Company

  6. Choose whether you want comments enabled on the post
  7. Click Post


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