How do I create a Social Posting Group?

Groups in Hayylo are a way to organise workers, staff and customers into easy to manage segments which are ideal for use when directing tailored content via the Hayylo Social Feed. The group can be selected in the social feed to view or post to. The below guide provides details and instructions on creating a Group.


Create a Group


Follow these steps to create a group:

  1. Login to hayylo with your registered username and password

  2. From the left-hand menu, select the Groups container

  3. On the right side of the page, click Add New

  4. Enter the Name of the group

  5. Enter a Description of the group to help others know who is included

  6. Click Save

  7. In the Groups list, in the Option column, click the Edit icon

  8. Select the Members tab and click Add New

  9. Search for the first group member

  10. Select the members name

  11. Click Save

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