Hayylo Document Delivery is a feature that allows you to upload batches of documents, such as invoices and statements and send them to your clients and their contacts, using their contact preferences.


To send a batch, Document Delivery requires a set of documents to be uploaded, along with a mapping file (CSV file) that maps each document (based on the filename) to a client in Hayylo, as well as providing additional metadata about the document (such as invoice amount). 


Below are the fields in the mapping document:

Field Required Description
Document_Name Yes The filename, eg; CL101-Invoice-March22.pdf
Customer_Number Yes The identifier of the client Hayylo that this document is associated with
Document_Number No Internal document number, can be used for identification in Hayylo and in the communication sent containing the document.
Amount No If the document is an invoice, the would refer to the payment amount. This can be used in the communication sent containing the document.
Due_Date No If the document is an invoice, the would refer to the date that payment is due. This can be used in the communication sent containing the document.

Download mapping template file


Below is an example of a set of documents and the corresponding mapping file:


  • CL100-Invoice-March22.pdf
  • CL101-Invoice-March22.pdf
  • CL102-Invoice-March22.pdf

Mapping file (csv file):

Document_Name Customer_Number Document_Number Amount Due_Date
CL100-Invoice-March22.pdf CL100 CL100_INV_202203 125.25 05/04/2022
CL101-Invoice-March22.pdf CL101 CL101_INV_202203 88.60 05/04/2022
CL102-Invoice-March22.pdf CL102 CL102_INV_202203 258.45 05/04/2022


  • If any row is missing the Document_Name or Customer_Number, the row will be ignored
  • If the Document_Name is not found in previously-uploaded documents, or if the Customer_Number is not matched in Hayylo, the row will be ignored
  • The optional fields will be used in the communication sent to clients (that has the document attached) - if these fields are blank, the corresponding place in the communication will appear as blank


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