Your password to Hayylo should be changed regularly to help protect your customers information. This guide provides instructions on how to change your password from within Hayylo and how to reset your password in the event that you are unable to remember the previous password set. Follow the below instructions to change/reset your password.
Change your password (cycle password)
Minimum Requirements: To change your password, you will need to be able to login to Hayylo using your current email address and password. If you are unable to recall your current password, navigate to Reset Your Password for instructions on how to reset a forgotten password.
Follow these steps to change your password:
Login to hayylo with your registered username and password
From the right-hand avatar dropdown, select Change Password
Enter your current password
Enter your new password
Re-enter your new password
Click Update
Reset your password (forgot password)
Minimum Requirements: To reset your password, you will need to be able to provide your email address for your hayylo account and have access to your email inbox to retrieve the activation link sent to you. If you are unable to remember your email address or no longer have access to your email inbox, please contact
Follow these steps to reset your password:
Navigate to your company Hayylo URL (i.e
Enter your email address
Click Next
Click Forgot your password?
Enter your email address
Click Next
An email will be sent to your registered email address with a link to change your password. Follow the instructions to reset your password and return to Hayylo.