Smart Actions are an important way that Hayylo helps teams manage their client communication, by providing reminder Actions to call certain clients when their services change. Despite the power of this functionality, we have heard feedback from users that this can cause a lot of work for teams if there are lots of changes being made and thus lots of subsequent Smart Actions being created.

We have listened and are proud to announce some major improvements to the Smart Action functionality to specifically address this feedback 🎉

Smart Action auto updates

With this upcoming change, Smart Actions will only be created for the first relevant visit change that is received from your scheduling system. Subsequent changes to that same visit will now update that existing Smart Action, rather than creating a new Smart Action. The update to the Smart Action will be a helpful comment that shows the new changes that have been made to the visit. This means your Actions screen will not be filled up with lots of actions for the same visit.

A couple of things to consider:

  • Smart actions are not always created for every visit change that is received. The Hayylo smart engine considers a set of account configuration options as well as the specific change window before deciding whether to create a smart action for each change that is received - this is why we call it the Smart Engine :-) As such some subsequent visits changes will also not cause changes to the existing smart action.
  • In the case that an existing Smart Action has been cancelled, a subsequent visit change may create a new Smart Action (depending on the account configuration and change window).

Smart Action auto cancellation

Additionally, with this upcoming change, Smart Actions will be automatically cancelled when the linked visit has been cancelled. The cancelled Smart Action will be updated with a helpful comment stating that it has now been cancelled due to visit cancellation. This means that Smart Actions that are no longer relevant will not clog up your actions screen.


We're excited about these changes and the improved efficiency we're confident they will provide. If you have any feedback, please get in contact with your account manager or via Hayylo Support - we'd love to hear from you.

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