Below are some common questions and answers regarding the new Multi-User Managements features in Hayylo. For more information regarding this exciting new development, please see the following announcement article: January 2025: Multi-user Management Improvements.
1. What is Multi-User Management with Online Authority?
The new Multi-User Management feature allows family members and caregivers to manage multiple clients with a single login. This is especially useful for households where clients share one phone number or need assistance from family or caregivers who manage their services.
2. How do I switch between different client profiles?
Once you are logged in, you can switch between profiles by going to the left panel on the app where you can see a drop down of all clients one has access to. Select the client profile you wish to view from the list.
3. Can I control who has access to my profile?
Yes, each client can control their profile permissions:
- View & Manage: Allows access to view and make changes.
- View Only: Permits only viewing rights, with no changes allowed.
- No Access: Completely restricts access for the selected individual.
Clients can update these permissions directly through the “Family and Support” section in the app.
4. How do I set up access for family members in the Enterprise Portal?
To grant access for family members:
- Go to the client’s profile in the “Contacts & Authority” section.
- Add the family member or caregiver’s contact.
- Set the appropriate access level (View & Manage, View Only, No Access).
The individual will then be able to view or manage that client profile based on the permissions set.
5. What if two clients share the same phone number?
If two clients share a phone number, you can still set up both profiles under one login. Simply add the shared phone number to one client’s profile and set up the family member or caregiver as a contact for the other client profile. They’ll then be able to log in once and switch between both profiles.
6. Can I remove someone’s access to my profile if I no longer want them to, have it?
Yes, you can update access at any time. Go to the “Contacts and Authority” section in your profile settings and adjust the permissions for the person. For example, change their setting to “No Access” to revoke their ability to view your profile.
7. Will users get a notification when their access permissions change?
Currently, notifications are not sent for access permission changes. However, access changes take effect immediately, so if you update permissions, they will be applied as soon as you save the changes.
8. Can one caregiver manage multiple clients through a single login?
Yes! Caregivers can now log in once and access multiple clients by switching profiles in the “Family and Support” section of the app. This eliminates the need for multiple logins or devices.
9. How is privacy handled with shared access?
Privacy is a priority. Each client can customize who has access to their profile and at what level (View & Manage, View Only, No Access). Only individuals who have been given explicit permissions by the client will be able to see or manage their information.
10. How can I help a family set this up if they share one phone number but want individual profiles?
Here’s how to set it up in a shared phone number scenario:
- Ensure the phone number is linked to one client’s profile (e.g., Betty).
- Go to the other client’s profile (e.g., John) and add Betty as a contact in the “Contacts & Authority” section.
- Betty can now switch between her profile and John’s when logging in with the shared phone number.
11. Are there any limitations I should be aware of?
- A single phone number can only be tied to one client’s profile for login purposes, but family members and caregivers can be added across multiple profiles.
- Only those with permissions granted by a client can view or manage that client’s profile.