To coincide with the new client custom fields feature, we have made significant usability improvements to the the actions list screen.
What's changing?
New columns
The actions list screen has been updated to allow you to choose the columns that are displayed in the actions table. These columns can now include any of the new custom fields you may have defined for your clients. Examples of custom fields could be "funding type", "region" or "pet's name". As with all other columns you will be able to sort and filer the entire actions table based on these columns. This will let you define the perfect view of actions to get your work done in the most efficient way.
Column chooser with restore defaults option
New columns in actions list
Actions filtering including custom fields
Pagination and performance improvements
With custom fields available as columns, the actions list will now be able to display significantly more data on the screen. As such, we're applying optimisations in our database to improve the performance of this screen for our users. This performance improvement will be minor for users with small amounts of action data, but very significant for larger data sets.
Pairing with our back-end changes, we're also replacing our action list's endless scroll feature with pagination. This will mean that your action list defaults to 25 items per page, but you can always change this to see up to 100 items per page. Again, this will help to improve performance and ensure that users with a large amount of action data aren't adversely affected in any way.
Actions list pagination
We hope you enjoy these improvements and we'd love to hear from you. You can always reach us at or, if you're inside Hayylo, just click on the green Support button in the bottom right of your screen.