How do I create an Actions Routing Group?

Routing Groups in Hayylo are teams which are used to allocate and organise Actions. These are thought of as inboxes for customer and team enquiries. Routing Groups can have a number of internal staff assigned to them which controls who can view the Action group and see the Actions assigned to the group. The below guide provides details and instructions on creating an Actions Routing Group.


Routing Groups control who can see which Actions. Service Users are able to view any action that is assigned to their routing group. Admin users (Company/Global) are able to view all actions in all routing groups.

Create a Routing Group


Follow these steps to create a routing group:

  1. Login to hayylo with your registered username and password

  2. From the left-hand menu, select the Settings container and select Routing Groups
  3. On the right side of the page, click Add New

  4. In the name field, enter the name of the routing group

  5. In the search user field, enter the name of a service user you wish to add to this group

  6. Select the users name and they will be added to the list

  7. Click Save


User Not Found: If you are unable to find the user you wish to add to the routing group, check that the spelling is correct for the user name. The user may also be in the group and will not show in the search results in this circumstance. Admin users will not show in the search results as they have visibility of all actions and all actions routing groups by default.

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